With all of the controversy and innuendoes flying around about who may or may not be involved in Blagogate, I think that we should quickly move beyond the local politics of Chicago, immediately convene a congressional hearing and simply take the famous Democratic approach to these types of scandals and ask, "who knew what and when did they know it?".
Then, even if we never really find out who did what or who knew about who was doing what, we can appoint a special prosecutor to investigate and eventually prosecute everyone inolved for purgory and ostruction of justice. And, even if we can't do that, the mere appearance that someone did something should be enough for someone to go to jail?
Further, with the networks cutting back on their programing budgets and since no one willing be working anyway, it would make for great TV to start our Lord Obama's first term and would distract the nation as the economy continues to crumble around us.
The RNC would finally have something to rally around, The DNC could scream right wing conspircacy, the national press could take up the mantle of defense attorney, the evil right wing radio talking heads would have more material then they have had in years and all of the unemployed would have something to watch during the afternoon besides Tom Cruise jumping around on Oprah's stage. Great fun would be had by all!!
Once again you right wing nuts just can't accept the fact the Obama is going to be the next President of the United States and the leader of the world. All this talk about what happened in Chicago is just noise. Just shut up and let this wonderful man fix the economy, end the war in Iraq, stop glogbal warming and institute world peace. And, if you don't like it then move to some other country and spew your lies. We don't want you here anyway!!
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